SGUSD Parent Academy

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SGUSD Parent Academy
9/14/2024, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
Jefferson Middle School

The Next SGUSD Parent Academy will take place on Saturday, September 14 at Jefferson Middle School from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The theme of the event is "The Future is in their Hands," featuring specific breakout sessions and workshops for parents of students of all grade levels from TK through High School. This will be a day of learning and fun for the entire family. We will have an opening keynote speaker along with vendors, food, and other fun activities. This event is free to the SGUSD community.


Here’s a sneak peek at some of the exciting breakout sessions:

�� Kicking Off a Joyful Journey! – For TK/K parents, get an inside look at starting school confidently.

�� Top 3 Tips for a Fantastic School Year! – Elementary parents, learn strategies for a smooth year.

�� Navigating the Middle School Maze – Gain insights to support your middle schooler through this pivotal stage.

�� High School Journey & College Prep – Understand high school requirements, A-G eligibility, and AP courses.

�� Navigating the Digital World – Explore healthy habits in social media, AI, and tech with Common Sense Media.

Plus, many more valuable sessions for all grades and families!

�� Join us at Jefferson Middle School – see you there!

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